Microsoft introduced an eye candy translucent interface with Windows Vista, called Aero which includes one of the most advertized (and for my point of view useless) features of Vista, its flip 3D. This features enables you to watch all windows opened on a 3d environment and toggle between them pressing the windows / tab key combination, which is the same you use to start flip 3d, though you can use a button near the start menu too.
Even if this functionality seems to be good for most of you, its behavior is also limited to use the key combination mentioned above, Vista Flip 3D Activator from notj.net allows you to not only start this feature with the mouse (clicking on a corner of the screen you can choose), it also enables you to navigate between and select any of the windows with your mouse, which seems to be useful for the developer and maybe you.
The application is free, doesn´t require any kind of administrator rights or vista user account control permissions, it just weights 350 kilobytes of hard drive space and requires 710 kilobytes of ram.
** It only works with Aero enabled Vista version, such as Home Premium, Business, Enterprise and Ultimate.